SquareFootShow.com 2022
The virtual SquareFootShow.com was established in 2022 in Ontario Canada. Emerging and established artists can apply. I was lucky enough to be accepted for three of the SFS's in 2022. We can submit 3-5 12x12 inch paintngs of any medium, selling for $300 to virtual buyers.
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Abstract SFS "The Elephant in the Room"
Abstract SFS "Escape the Guilded Gage.
Abstract SFS. "Lion Queen"
Abstract Show: Sept/2022 "Read Between the Lines"
I've Got MyToys - I'm Beach Ready!
I've Got the Stick!
Computer Magic in a Gallery
SFS "I've got the Beach Snacks"!
Molly Leaping
Computer Magic in a Gallery
Racing the Wind
Computer Magic in a Gallery
Painting for the Old West Square Foot Show
Running through the Creek
Yellowstone Roundup Oil with Kevin Costner
Painted Ponies Roundup
Roundup into the Corral